Imesha is three years old and lives in the streets with her mother, brother(one and a half years old), grandma and uncles. Both her uncles are attending mission school(Aslam and Saddam Hussein). Imesha's father has committed suicide by hanging himself sometime back.
Imesha's grandma was interested in admitting her to the pre-school and she started school yesterday. She started crying when her grandma left her but started to smile when she saw all her new friends. She was dressed in a pretty frock but badly needed a good bath. So with the help of Chandralatha(our new cleaning lady), Imesha had a hot water bath. She was crying throughout the bath probably because bathing is not something she did often! Mrs.Kumari found some clothes for her and the sewing ladies stitched up a pretty blue dress for her in record breaking time. She was so happy after the bath(we had to wash her hair 4 times to get the dirt out) and was admiring the new clothes and the red sweater.
Her mom came to pick her up at 12 noon. Priscilla was feeding her rice when she came and mom took over feeding Imesha. She swallowed the food without ever chewing it. After lunch she said bye to all of us and went home - to the streets with her mom promising that she would come the next day. As I type this, she is in the playground happily playing with the other kids. She is such a joyful little girl and I hope and pray that Smyrna will make the greatest difference in her life. In my heart I think I have already adopted her because I always keep a watch to see that she is not ill-treated by anyone! So far, everything is perfect and I end this with such a grateful heart to God for yesterday I also found a person who promised to help these kids by depositing a sum of money every month into our bank account. I need to send him the Smyrna Bank Account number today :)
Compiled by Ruth Herath