Friday, October 7, 2011

Children's Day @ Smyrna Mission School - 2011

Sandeepani, Dewmini and Thasuni from the pre-school posing for a photograph.

Danush and Imesha

Boys from the Mission  School.

Theme for the Children's Day - You are Born to be a King/Queen. So, all the kids got a crown on their heads.

Samantha teacher with day care children

Mission school queens-to-be's

Day care kids having yoghurt

All the kids came in colored clothes and played the whole day to their heart's content.  All had a special meal.  I'll let the pictures do the talking and sign off for today.

By Ruth Herath

Bank of Ceylon's Visit to Mission School

6th of October 2011 was a remarkable day for Smyrna Mission School as Bank of Ceylon(a pioneering government bank in Sri Lanka) came to visit our kids.  

As you can see, they didn't come empty handed.  They had gifts for the kids.

The bank staff had a question & answer session and Niomi answered well and was applauded for the correct answers.

BOC helped us to open saving accounts for Mission School children.  We opened accounts for them with 100 rupees each.  There was a sum of 500 rupees collected by students and the rest of the  money came from money received for the school. They also gave each child a till to collect money to foster the habit of saving.

The bank staff had organized games for the children.  Here kids playing musical chairs.

The balloon bursting game.   Dushyhanthi and Punithamalar doing their best!

Our new kid on the block - Sathasivam.  Couldn't resist adding this :)

Manager of BOC Mrs.Mohanasundaram giving away gifts.

Niomi with her till and ofcourse her million-dollar smile! Money saved in these tills will go to their bank accounts.

Time for refreshments - kids had  a piece of cake and Milo courtesy BOC.

Principal's vote of thanks.

Bank staff enjoying the children.

Manager of Smyrna Fellowship Mrs.Moses looks on.

 Nawarojini teacher giving away a gift.

Group photograph(serious) :(

Group Photograph(not so serious) :)

I pen this off with so much gratitude to God for His eye is truly on the sparrow and I tangibly experience God's grace, love and favor upon this children.  The manager said that she would continue to work with this children in the future and I believe we made a good contact with them by the grace of God.  A huge thank you to BOC!

  • By Ruth Herath